Thursday, March 10, 2011

Secrets--> Shame --> Depression/Anxiety/Addiction...


W is for Winning by

(Via )

Are you living a lie??? Or do you have some deep dark secrets that are eating away at your soul??? You don't have to spiral out of control like Charlie Sheen before getting the help that you need. The W above may stand for "winning" in Charlie's eye's but in my opinion he is losing BIG TIME! That poor man needs help and the last thing you want is to let yourself end up like him!

It is time to find a way to talk about these secrets and put an end to this lie you are currently living. I have a firm belief that secrets lead to shame and guilt which can then lead to a whole realm of psychological issues. The cycle goes something like this...

1. You engage in something that society, your family or you yourself deem inappropriate or "bad".
2. You try to hide this "bad" act or you simply pretend like it didn't happen and hope that it goes away.
3. You begin to find that the insidious little things called "guilt" or "shame" begins to creep up on you.
4. This shame/guilt begins to eat away at your very being and presents itself at very inopportune times.
5. It presents itself through depression, anxiety/panic attacks, agitation, body aches and pains, sleeping too much or too little, racing thoughts, uncontrollable tears (and the list goes on).
6. To try to cope you may find yourself turning to drugs, alcohol, gambling, shopping addiction, trying to be "perfect", isolation and avoiding social gathering, eating too much or too little (these are just a few).
7. You find these "negative" coping skills or addictions are counterproductive and you notice that you have actually dug yourself into a deeper hole.
8. You feel lost and not knowing what to do you start the cycle all over again by lying to those you love about how you are feeling. By not telling your true underlying feelings you get stuck in this cycle.

This cycle may seem depressing in itself, but I have news for you...there is help out there! Reach out to someone that you trust and stop this cycle today. If you don't have anyone you can trust then call a mental health professional to find the help that you need.

Our local San Diego Access and Crisis line phone number is 1-800-479-3339

and our national Crisis line phone number is 1-800-784-2433

Please don't hesitate to reach out for help!!!

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